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Tall Poppy Mgmt

Tall Poppy Mgmt

Visit Tall Poppy Mgmt


Tall Poppy Mgmt (TPM) is an independent talent management and influencer marketing agency that seeks to represent diverse Australian-based brands and creatives.

With a client base championing female-owned businesses, and creators who identify as plus size, neurodivergent, queer, non-binary and POC, we’re on a mission to increase representation in the Australian media landscape.

Our founder Mikaela is an experienced influencer marketer and social media manager.

The name Tall Poppy Mgmt seeks to reinvent the Tall Poppy Syndrome that occurs in Australia. Instead of trimming a poppy once it realises it’s talent, TPM seeks to embrace and empower the flower to its full potential.

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Member Since

15th January 2024